Building: Energy performance certificate
  • WHAT'S an energy performance certificate?Open or Close

    The Energy Performance Certificate is a document whose aim is to inform, in an objective way, about the energy characteristics of a building, so it is possible to value and compare their energy efficiency.

    The certificate will give information exclusively about the energy efficiency of the building, and in no case will mean accreditation of any other building requirement accomplishment.

  • WHO MUST have the certificate?Open or Close

    Every building, house or business premises of independent use, which is object of a selling or renting contract, must have the energy performance certificate. The owner of the property is the responsible of getting the energy certificate done.

  • WHO DOESN'T NEED to have the certificate?Open or Close

    a) Buildings which must remain opened because of their utilization features.

    b) Buildings and monuments that are officially protected because of their architectonic or historical value, when compliance with such requirements could alter their character or appearance.

    c) Buildings used as worship places or for religious activities.

    d) Temporary buildings that will be used 2 years or less.

    e) Industrial sites, workshops and non-residential agricultural buildings.

    f) Stand-alone buildings with total useful floor space of less than 50 square meters.

    g) Buildings of technical simplicity and low constructive entity with no residential or public character, either temporary or permanent, that are developed on one floor and do not affect the safety of persons.

    h) Some buildings that are due to be demolished.

    i) Residential buildings intended to be used less than 4 months a year.

  • WHAT IS the certificate USED FOR?Open or Close

    This certificate describes the effectiveness of the building in terms of energy consumption, and it will allow the users to compare objectively the energy consumption, helping in the selection of one or other property.

    This means energy saves, and therefore economic saves for the buyers or tenants.

    The certificate includes recommended measures, classified according to their technical, functional and economic viability, and their energy impact, which would help to improve the energy rating obtained at least one level if the rating level is B or C or two levels, if the rating is D, E, F or G.

  • WHEN will come into force?Open or Close

    From 1 June 2013 it will be compulsory to have the energy performance certificate to formalize a selling or renting contract of any building, unless buildings with building permit dated after 1 May 2007 which must already have the certificate at the end of their construction.


    The energy performance certificate is valid for 10 year.

  • WHICH INFORMATION will be necessary to provide?Open or Close

    For the most complete justification of the energy performance certificate, the owners should provide the following documentation:

    - Year of construction.
    - Planimetry, in dxf format, of the premises, building and adjacent buildings.
    - Recent pictures of the outside of the building.
    - Cadastral reference and planimetry in a digital format.
    - Definition of the materials forming the following construction elements:

    - Facade
    - Roof
    - Interior partitions
    - Partition wall
    - Floors
    - Walls in contact with the soil
    - Openings (windows and doors)
    - Thermal bridge

    In each of them, it should be described the different layers of the materials, showing for each material:

    - Thickness
    - Conductivity
    - Density
    - Cp
    - Thermal resistance

    - Use for each room of the building, and of the adjacent holes.

    - It should be given information about the main and secondary heating, cooling and hot water systems, specifying the following characteristics:

    - Type of equipment
    - Fuel
    - Rated power
    - Year of installation or last revision
    - Yield
    - Rooms using their services
    - % of solar energy (or other equivalent renewable energy used)

    With all the previous information the best possible qualification could be reached, the lack of any information might cause a decrease in the energy rating obtained by the building.

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A partir del 1 de junio de 2013 será obligatorio disponer del certificado de eficiencia energética para formalizar un contrato de compraventa o arrendamiento de cualquier inmueble.

Real Decreto 235/2013, de 5 de abril, por el que se aprueba el procedimiento básico para la certificación de la eficiencia energética de los edificios.

Publicado en el BOE el Real Decreto 235/2013, de 5 de abril, por el que se aprueba el procedimiento básico para la certificación de la eficiencia energética de los edificios.

El Gobierno aprueba la regulación del Certificado de Eficiencia Energética

El Gobierno anuncia la aprobación de un Real Decreto que regula la certificación de eficiencia energética en la edificación.

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